Meeting Announcements
Board of Directors
Date/Time: February 13th, 2025 2:00 PM ET
Meeting Location: remote
Call to Order - Roll call vote of board members participating remotely.
Executive Session - Roll call vote to enter executive session o conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with union and nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with union and nonunion personnel. The board anticipates returning to open session.
Discussion and possible action regarding executive session.
Meeting will be conducted utilizing Microsoft Teams: Join the meeting now
Board of Directors
Date/Time: November 5th, 2024 11:00AM ET
Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Road Foxborough
Call to Order
Review and possible action to approve minutes
Presentation of awards
Discussion and possible action regarding expansion
Discussion and possible action to offer public property for lease.
Discussion and possible action to establish an alarm fee.
911 Outage Discussion
Director's update
Any item not reasonably anticipated by the Chair within 48 hours.
Executive Session - To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with union and nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with union and nonunion personnel. The board anticipates returning to open session.
Discussion and possible action regarding executive session.
Board of Directors - **CANCELLED**
Date/Time: June 24, 2024 08:45AM ET
Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Road Foxborough
Call to Order
Review and possible action to approve minutes
Presentation of awards
Discussion and possible action regarding expansion
Director's update
Any item not reasonably anticipated by the Chair within 48 hours.
Board of Directors and Finance subcommittee
Date/Time: May 9, 2024 2:00 PM ET
Date/Time: May 9, 2024, 2024 2:00 PM ET| Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Road Foxborough
Call to Order
Review and possible action to approve minutes
Discussion and possible action regarding District operations and administration
Discussion and possible action of the Board to approve FY25 District Budget and refer it to the Finance Subcommittee
Discussion and possible action of the Finance Subcommittee to approve the FY25 District Budget and refer it to the Board for adoption
Discussion and possible action of the Board to adopt the FY25 District Budget.
Discussion and possible action to approve FY2025 COLA adjustment
Discussion and possible action to discuss Executive Director review
Discussion and possible action regarding expansion
Director's update
Board of Directors
Date/Time: February 14, 2024 09:00 AM ET
Joint Board Meeting of the Southeastern Massachusetts Regional 911 District Board of Directors and
The Metacomet Regional Emergency Communications Center District
Date/Time: February, 14 2024 09:00 AM ET| Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Road Foxborough
Call to Order
Discussion and possible action regarding the future operations and administration of the Districts.
Executive Directors’ updates
Board of Directors
Date/Time: January 17, 2024 11:00 AM ET
Date/Time: January 17th, 2024 11:00 AM ET| Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Road Foxborough
Call to Order
Review and possible action to approve minutes
Discussion and possible action regarding District operations and administration
Discussion and possible action regarding expansion
Director's update
Board of Directors
Date/Time: January 3, 2024 12:00 PM ET
Date/Time: January 3rd, 2024 12:00 PM ET| Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Road Foxborough
Call to Order
Presentation of awards
Review and possible action to approve minutes
Chiefs update
Discussion and possible action regarding District operations and administration
Discussion and possible action regarding expansion
CAD/RMS Update
Director's update
Board of Directors **CANCELLED**
Date/Time: December 19, 2023 12:00 PM ET
Date/Time: December 19, 2023 12:00 PM ET| Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Road Foxborough
Call to Order
Review and possible action to approve minutes
Chiefs update
Discussion and possible action regarding District operations and administration
Discussion and possible action regarding expansion
CAD/RMS Update
Director's update
Board of Directors
Date/Time: Nov 08, 2023 12:00 PM ET
Date/Time: Nov 08, 2023 12:00 PM ET| Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Road Foxborough
Call to Order
Review and possible action to approve minutes
Chiefs update
Discussion and possible action regarding expansion
CAD/RMS Update
Discussion and possible action regarding group life and disability insurance changes
Discussion and possible action regarding finance consultant
Director's update
Board of Directors and FINCOM
Date/Time: October 3, 2023 11:30am ET
Board of Directors and FINCOM
Date/Time: October 3, 2023 11:30 AM ET | Meeting Location: Virtual
Click here to join the meeting
1.Call to Order of Board and Finance Committee
2. Review the District's sale of a note
2.1 Discussion and possible action to accept the sale of the note.
3. Adjourn
Board of Directors
Date/Time: September 27, 2023 12:00 PM ET
Board of Directors
Date/Time: Sep 27, 2023 12:00 PM ET | Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Road Foxborough
Call to Order
Presentation of award
Review and possible action to approve minutes
Approval of past minutes
Chiefs update
Discussion and possible action regarding expansion
CAD/RMS Update
Discussion and possible action regarding group life and disability insurance changes
Director's update
Board of Directors
Date/Time: JUNE 28, 2023 11:00 AM ET | Virtual
Board of Directors
Date/Time: Jun 28, 2023 11:00 AM ET | Meeting Location: Virtual
Call to Order
Review and possible action to approve minutes
Discussion and possible action regarding amended and restated IMA
Discussion and possible action regarding expansion
CAD/RMS Update
Training schedule/anticipated timeframe
Discussion and possible action to approve FY2024 non-union COLA
Director's update
Meeting link: Click here to join the meeting
Board of Directors / Finance Subcommittee
Date/Time: May 4th, 2023 2:00 PM ET | Virtual
1 Call to Order Board and Subcommittee
2 Discussion and possible action of the Board to approve FY24 District Budget and refer it to the Finance Subcommittee
3 Discussion and possible action of the Finance Subcommittee to approve the FY24 District Budget and refer it to the Board for adoption
4 Discussion and possible action of the Board to adopt the FY24 District Budget.
5 Adjourn
Meeting link: Click here to join the meeting
Board of Directors
Date/Time: April 19, 2023 11:00 AM ET | Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Rd Foxborough MA, Main Meeting Room
1 Call to Order
2 Review and approval of minutes
3 Discussion and update on the CAD/RMS project
4 Discussion and possible action regarding infrastructure updates
5 Discussion and possible action regarding the FY24 District Budget
6 Discussion and possible action regarding adding communities
7 Director's update
8 Any item not reasonably anticipated by the chair.
9 Adjournment
Board of Directors
Date/Time: March 22, 2023 12:00 PM ET | Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Rd Foxborough MA, Main Meeting Room
1 Call to Order
2 Review and possible action to approve meeting minutes
3 Recognition of personnel
4 Discussion and possible action regarding board officers election
4.1 Discussion and possible action to schedule a meeting for new Foxborough TM welcome.
5 Director's Update
5.1 Staffing update
5.2 CAD/RMS RFP update
6 Training and Operations Update
7 Discussion regarding expansion and adding communities.
8 Any item not reasonably anticipated by the chair.
9 Adjournment
Board of Directors
Date/Time: Jan 26, 2023 12:00 PM ET | Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Rd Foxborough MA, Main Meeting Room
1 Call to Order
2 Review and possible action to approve meeting minutes
3 Recognition of personnel
4 Recognition of personnel
5 2023 MMA Pickard Innovation Award
6 Discussion and possible action regarding board officers election
7 Director's Update
7.1 CY 2022 review
7.2 Staffing update
7.3 CAD/RMS RFP update
8 FY24 Budget Discussion
9 Discussion regarding expansion and adding communities.
10 Any item not reasonably anticipated by the chair.
11 Adjournment
Board of Directors
Date/Time: Dec 7, 2022 02:00 PM ET | Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Rd Foxborough MA, Main Meeting Room
1 Call to Order
2 Roll call of any Board Member participating remotely
3 Discussion and possible action to set per-diem pay scale
4 Discussion and possible action regarding onboarding new communities
5 Adjournment
Board of Directors (CANCELLED)
Date/Time: Nov 30, 2022 03:30 PM ET | Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Rd Foxborough MA, Main Meeting Room
1 Call to Order
2 Roll call
3 Workshop discussion with Norwood regarding terms
3.1 Possible action regarding Norwood
4 Executive Session to discuss bargaining strategy with union and non-union personnel
4.1The board does not anticipate returning to open session.
4.1.1 Roll call vote to enter executive session.
5 Adjournment
Special District Meeting (CANCELLED)
Date/Time: November 15th 2022 6:00pm | Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Rd, Foxborough MA Main Meeting Room
to be rescheduled
Special District Meeting
Date/Time: November 15th 2022 6:00pm | Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Rd, Foxborough MA Main Meeting Room
Call to order and roll call of members present.
Discussion of process for adding a new community
Discussion regarding the authorization to add the Town of Norwood to the District Agreement as a Member Community.
Possible action to authorize adding Norwood to the District Agreement.
Board of Directors and FINCOM Date/Time: October 4th 2022 12:30pm | Meeting Location: Remote
Board of Directors and FINCOM
Date/Time: October 4th 2022 12:30pm | Meeting Location: Remote
Click here to join the meeting
1.Call to Order of Board and Finance Committee
2. Review the District's sale of a note
2.1 Discussion and possible action to accept the sale of the note.
3. Adjourn
Board of Directors Board of Directors Meeting Date/Time: September 26 2022 11:00AM ET | Meeting Location: Remote
Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting
Date/Time: September 26 2022 11:00AM ET | Meeting Location: Remote
To access this meeting, please navigate to:
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1Call to Order
2Roll call of all Board Members participating remotely
3Approval Past Minutes
4 Discussion to review request from the Town of Norwood and consideration to recommend the Town of Norwood to join the District.
4.1Possible action to recommend Norwood joining the District and send notice to the member communities.
5 Director's Update
6 Executive Session
6.1The Chair declares that if these items were deliberated in public, it would have a detrimental impact on the District's bargain position.
6.1.1 Rollcall vote to enter executive session to discuss bargaining with union and non union personnel
6.1.2 The board anticipates returning to open session after executive session
6.3 Discussion and possible action regarding ongoing collective bargaining.
7 Possible action regarding issues taken up in executive session
8 Adjournment
District Board of Directors
Joint Meeting with Member Selectboards and Boards of Selectmen
June 9th, 2022
6:30 PM
100 High Rock Rd. Foxborough, Ma 02035
Main Conference Room
Call to Order of the District Board of Directors
Call to Order of the Selectboards and Boards of Selectmen
SEMRECC project update
Presentation of the proposed IMA amendments
Vote of the Selectboards and Boards of Selectmen having a quorum to approve the amendments.
District Board (SEMRECC) – Discussion and possible action to authorize all amendments to be incorporated into an amended and restated agreement document to be distributed amongst the members and to authorize District Legal Counsel or District staff to make changes as to form and content as required to draft the amended restated agreement.
Adjourn of all boards.
Board of Directors and FINCOM
Date/Time: May 25, 2022 03:00 PM ET | Meeting Location: 100 High Rock Rd Foxborough MA
1Call to Order of Board and Finance Committee
2Fincom- Review, discussion, and possible action to approve the FY23 budget.
3Fincom Adjourn
4Item Discussion and possible action to adopt the FY2023 budget
5Discussion and possible action regarding scheduling a joint Selectboard / Board of Selectmen meeting
6Director's Update
7Roll call Vote to enter executive session if the Chair declares that discussion of the following items will have a detrimental effect on the public body's positions. The Board anticipates returning to open session.
7.1To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with union personnel.
7.2To discuss the deployment of security personnel or devices or strategies
8Return to open session- Discussion and possible action regarding topics of executive session.
Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting
Date/Time: February 10 2022 2:00PM ET | Meeting Location: Remote
To access this meeting, please navigate to:
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1Call to Order
2Roll call of all Board Members participating remotely
3Approval Past Minutes
4 Review revised IMA amendment draft
4.1Possible action to adopt IMA amendments
5 Budget Draft review
5.1 Possible action regarding the proposed budget
6 Executive Session
6.1The Chair declares that if these items were deliberated in public, it would have a detrimental impact on the District's bargain position.
6.1.1 Rollcall vote to enter executive session to discuss bargaining with union and non union personnel
6.1.2 The board anticipates returning to open session after executive session
6.2Discussion and possible action to approve employee reclassifications
6.3Discussion and possible action regarding ongoing collective bargaining.
7 Possible action regarding issues taken up in executive session
8 Adjournment
Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting
Date/Time: Jan 27, 2022 11:00 AM ET | Meeting Location: Remote
To access this meeting, please navigate to:
1Call to Order
2Roll call of all Board Members participating remotely
3Approval Past Minutes
4Executive Director's Update
5Review revised IMA amendment draft
5.1Possible action to adopt IMA amendments
6Budget Draft review
6.1 Possible action regarding the proposed budget
7Executive Session
7.1The Chair declares that if these items were deliberated in public, it would have a detrimental impact on the District's bargain position.
7.1.1 Rollcall vote to enter executive session to discuss bargaining with union and non union personnel
7.1.2 The board anticipates returning to open session after executive session
7.2Discussion and possible action to approve employee reclassifications
7.3Discussion and possible action regarding ongoing collective bargaining.
8Possible action regarding issues taken up in executive session
9 Discussion and possible action to change/update the District's official open meeting posting location
10 Adjournment
Board of Directors
Southeastern Massachusetts Regional 911 District Board of Directors Meeting
Date/Time: Jan 13, 2022 11:00 AM ET | Meeting Location: Remote
Access to this meeting will be via Microsoft Teams utilizing this link:
Click here to join the meeting
1Call to Order
2Chair: Rollcall and announcement the names of the members who are participating remotely
3Discussion and possible actions regarding proposed amendment to the IMA
3.1Process for IMA amendments
3.2Possible action to adopt IMA amendments
4Discussion and possible action regarding CAD/RMS systems
5FY22 Planning
5.1FY22 Grant Projections
5.2FY22 Budget Discussion
5.3New Communities
6Old Business
7New Business
District Finance Subcommittee
October 5th, 2021
100 High Rock Rd. Foxborough, Ma 02035
Main Conference Room
COVID-19 Precautions:
Individuals who are fully vaccinated may, as a general matter, attend without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where otherwise required by federal, state, or local laws, rules or regulations. In response to the recent spread of the Delta variant, however, the CDC’s updated guidance does recommend that even fully vaccinated persons wear masks or face coverings when indoors if other risk factors are present.
The MA Department of Public Health advises that a fully vaccinated person should wear a mask or face covering when indoors (and not in your own home) if you have a weakened immune system, or if you are at increased risk for severe disease because of your age or an underlying medical condition, or if someone in your household has a weakened immune system, is at increased risk for severe disease, or is an unvaccinated adult.
If you feel sick, unwell, have a fever, cough, loss of smell, taste or any other symptom associated with Covid-19 or another infection, or if you have been exposed to Covid-19, please do not attend.
This meeting may be recorded or broadcast.
Any other person making a recording must notify the chairman of the board.
The Chairman of the Board reserves the right to take the agenda out of order.
a. Open session - Chair opens the meeting and welcomes all;
b. Review and possible action to accept the results of the sale of General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes.
C. Adjourn
Board of Directors Meeting
August 26, 2021
100 High Rock Rd. Foxborough, Ma 02035
Main Conference Room
COVID-19 Precautions:
All public attendees are required to wear a face-covering or maintain 6 feet from all other attendees.
If you feel sick, unwell, have a fever, cough, loss of smell, taste or any other symptom associated with Covid-19 or another infection, or if you have been exposed to Covid-19, please do not attend.
This meeting may be recorded or broadcast.
Any other person making a recording must notify the chairman of the board.
The Chairman of the Board reserves the right to take the agenda out of order.
a. Open session - Chair opens the meeting and welcomes all;
b. Presentation of awards;
c. FY2022 Grants discussion
d. Note/Bond discussion and possible action
e. Technology and systems discussion
f. Discussion and possible action regarding amendments to the IMA (continuation)
g. Training Section Chief update/report
h. Operation Section Chief introduction and report
i. Deputy Director update
j. Executive Director update
k. Rollcall vote to enter executive session to discuss negotiations with non-union and union personnel in which the chair declares deliberation in open session may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body. The board anticipates returning to open session. For the purposes of:
a. Discussion of FY22 cola for non-union personnel
b. Discussion of FY22 cola for union personnel
c. Discussion of action related to the Director’s contract relative to the opening of the High Rock facility.
d. Discussion of reclassification of non-union personnel
l. Return to open session and possible action related thereto.
m. Any topic not reasonably anticipated by the chair
n. Adjourn
Board of Directors Meeting Monday April 30 2018 12:30 P.M. — Apr 26, 2018 3:18:58 PM
Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday April 18 2018 12:30 P.M. — Apr 12, 2018 5:45:57 PM
Board of Directors Meeting Thursday March 29 2018 2:00 P.M — Mar 26, 2018 6:46:24 PM
Test Post — Mar 22, 2018 3:14:33 PM